I would be delighted to meet you or speak with you whatever your reason for coming to the church.
Every church consists of ordinary people who have their own needs and interests and that makes for an interesting mix. People have come from different backgrounds, different denominations and from no church background. Many of us grew up in the Church of Scotland but many did not. We have a rich diversity. If you want a church where everybody thinks the same or keeps to a particular line laid down by the Minister or a church hierarchy, you will not find that here.
We run a busy church centre that serves the community as well as church meetings and organisations but the real spiritual centre of what we do is the love of God in Jesus Christ. We are in the business of change because that is the calling and purpose of the Church. Change in the lives of individuals and through that, change in the relationships and values that affect the world we live in.
It has been my privilege to minister in Kirkcaldy since 1979, first in St Brycedale Church and now after the Union with the Old Kirk, in what is now called St Bryce Kirk. As the Minister here I love exploring the relevance of the biblical story through modern thinking and questions. We do this in music, language, teaching and discussions, to bring the experience of the accepting love of God to individuals and to build a caring Christian community. That care reaches inwards to the members and friends of the church and it extends outwards to individuals and groups who need help.
We have many visitors who drop in for a coffee or use the church as a meeting place, who come to worship or get involved in a group for prayer or study. Whatever you have in mind, we’ll be delighted to welcome you.
Ken Froude