We have one Sunday Service which starts at 11am. People arrive from 10.30am. There is no dress code and people are mainly casual.
The front door opens into our Foyer where people gather before and after the service and there you will be greeted by our Welcome Team and offered an Order of Service and Intimation Sheet. The church is accessed via the double doors on the left and up the stairs.
You can sit anywhere in the church although the choir usually sits together in seats near the front. If you are early, the choir or occasionally the praise band may still be practising but you are welcome to be there. There are bibles and hymn books but everything you need will be on the screen at the front. If you come with children, ask downstairs and meet the Young Church team in the room they will be in, so when the children leave the service upstairs they will know where to go and you can come too if that helps. There is also a crèche.
The organist or other music will be playing until 11am and then as the bible is brought forward the congregation stand. The church depends on the givings of the congregation and this traditionally means there is an Offering as part of the service. Plates are passed round for these donations but more and more people today give by Standing Order from their Bank Account and these people will not put anything in the plate at this point.
Several people take part in the service every week, Welcome, Readings, Prayers and there will be an invitation to stay for tea and coffee in the Coffee Bar and Foyer downstairs after the service which usually finishes around 12.15pm. We have a number of pamphlets available outside the office with details of what’s on and about the history of the building and the windows. We also have a Welcome Pack which you can request but most of the information in it can be found on this website.
If you want any more information or want further contact with the church please ask any of the Welcome Team identified by their badges. We hope you will feel welcome and enjoy the worship and please make yourself known before you leave.
If you want to speak to our Minister, Ken you can do that after the service or phone the church office (640016) and ask for an appointment or just turn up on a Wednesday evening for Contact Time from 7pm (not during school holidays).