Certainly not traditional but not radically modern! Progressive might be a better word for our worship, relaxed and informal with several people participating in leading, an occasional praise band, regular choir with anthems, with music a blend of traditional and modern hymns. We have a Young Church for the children with something provided every Sunday both within the initial part of the main service and then after the children leave in teaching and activities.
Once in every few months it is radically different with the congregation invited to talk back, to talk to each other, or to come forward. On a regular basis, words, images and music are used through the screen and the sound system. Language is contemporary although traditional Christian imagery and language may be included in older much loved hymns.
The emphasis is on interpreting biblical truths and stories for today’s world The focus is often on recent events, modern issues and daily living rather than on traditional statements of belief. There is much to discover about family and personal concerns through a progressive understanding of the bible.
There is an openness to questioning beliefs that were once unchallengeable and a desire to bring a rational mind and modern learning to the journey of faith. I am much happier amongst people asking interesting questions than with people who think they know all the answers. The journey of faith is an exciting one and my hope is that worship in St Bryce Kirk enables and assists in that journey.